Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kinnituisanud kodulinn.

Taevaluugid lõid valla ja alla sajab kogu sadamata jäänud lumi.
Ma ei üritagi enam aru saada sellest ilmast. Kogu talve oli Tallinnas lumepõud, hea kui päevaks-kaheks maa valgeks sai. Need olid pidupäevad. Ja siis nüüd, 26ndal märtsil, kolm sammu päriskevadeni, otsustab Ilmataat, et "ohhoooo! mul jäi lund üle!".

Ei, ma ei virise. Ma olen peaaegu õnnetipul. Lõpuks saab hüpata hangedes ja süüa lund, mis sest et juba haige oled. Ja riputada järjekordsed märjad riided kuivama. Selline soe talvetunne tekib koguni, hehe.

Tänase päeva tipp (lisaks Vanalinnas läbi tormi ekslemise ning läbimärjana koju jõudmise) oli siiski Eesti-Kanada jalgpallikohtumine A Le Coq Arenal. Lumetormis jäi lõppseisuks 2:0 meie kasuks. Müts maha mõlema meeskonna ees.

Siit näete väikest intervjuud Aivar Pohlakuga ning ülevaade päevasele sagimisele platsil, kuhu vabatahtlikke kutsuti kokku raadio kaudu. Vastutasuks said tasuta mängu vaadata.


To keep it short in english - it snowed A LOT today. Seems like all the snow that didn't hit the ground in the winter, has now decided to come out from the endless spaces of the sky.

But I'm happy and hope that other people could take the most of it. Oh, I know that soon it will all melt and it's going to be veeeery wet and ugly, but still. Let's enjoy it while we can.
It's fun to jump around in snow and eat icicles. To hang your drenched clothes to dry. Gives a real winter-feeling. :)

The peak today was not the getting-lost-between-big-snowbanks or getting home all drenched, but the fact that there was a soccer game between Estonia and Canada. So there they played, in the snowstorm, not a green patch in sight. Some volunteers cleaned the stadium hours before and some continued it during the game too. It ended 2:0, we won. Respect goes to all the players. :)

Here you can see a short interview with the president of the Estonian Football League, you can see some volunteers aswell. They got free tickets for the game, hehe.

Lisatud on mõned pildid, mis tegin telefoniga täna linnas tulles. Kvaliteet pole parim, kuid loodetavasti piisav./ Added some pictures I made with my phone today in the Old Town. The quality isn't the best, but hopefully good enough.



Monday, March 24, 2008

No Easter-mania, sorry.

Nii. Munapühad siis. Võib-olla kui ma väiksem olin, oli see kõik kümme korda põnevam. Otsisime siis Steniga neid peidetud üllatusmune ja ma olin alati pahane, kui tema enne mind leidis. Emps ka küpsetas hommikust peale kõike võimalikku, mina isiklikult ei leia söögis midagi fantastilist, seega ei jaga ka ta vaimustust pühade ajal põrunult köögis sebida. Kuid kümne aastasena olimegi veidike teistsugusemad. Kahjuks on rõõmud nüüd tihtipeale väiksemad ning emotsioonid vaiksemad. Siiski...
Paar päeva tagasi näitas televisioonis dokfilmi kolmikutest ning mingil hetkel sattusin ma täielikku eufooriasse kui jutustasin emale, et kuiväga ma endale kaksikvenda sooviksin. Terve õhtu pinnisin teda kuid ta ei olnud nõus tunnistama, et kunagi mu potensiaalsest ülikenast ja targast ning populaarsest kaksikvennast loobunud oleks. Noh, mis seal ikka.
Veidike pahaseks teeb teadmine, et Taanis ei osata mööblitehastes õiget arvu kapijubinaid kotikesse pakkida. Tahtsin siis täna ühte kappi (noh, sellist, mis käib mõnede riidekappide PEALE, selline riiulitega ja kahe-kolme uksega) kokku panema hakata - ma räägin, et olen sündinud ehitajaks ja milleks kõigeks veel - , kuid avastasin, et OHHOOOO! ei saagi. Nimelt need hinged, mis kapiustele käivad, üks neist oli puudu. Noh, eks ma siis lähen homme jahile, ehk leian sobiva.
Olen viimased kolm nädalat Carrie Underwood'ist sõltuvuses ka. Hiljuti leidsin endale uue lemmiku - Five For Fighting. See kantri on üldse südamelähedane (siinkohal mõtlen Carriet ikka, eks). Kunagi sai praegusest rohkem kuulatud seda nn kantripoppi, nagu mulle meeldib seda kutsuda. Mul pole VÄHIMATKI aimu, kas seda tegelikult nii ka kutsutakse ja nimme ei taha wikipediast järele ka uurida. Voh. Siiski jätkuvalt on Rascal Flatts parim. Avastasin ka, et Cascada on ühest nende hitist - "What hurts the most" - oma versiooni teinud. Müts maha, Cascadat kuulan ikka ka. (Ma olen üldse üliigav, et kuulan peaaegu kõike)


So. This is Easter then. I think all of it was ten times exciting when I was younger. Sten and I, we eagerly searched for those hidden "surprise eggs" (note: not always Kinder) and I was upset every time he found his egg first. Mom baked and cooked all morning every kind of dish possibly known to "celebrate" Easter. I, personally, don't find food that exciting and fantastic, to share her ecstatic need to fulfill her craziest cooking ideas. But we were a bit different when we were ten; unfortunately the joys are now smaller and the emotions more quiet. Nevertheless...
A few days ago there was a documentary about triplets on TV and at some point I got extremely euphoric while explaining to my mom how absolutely great it would be if I had a twin brother. I bugged her all night long but she wasn't very eager to admit giving up my potentially really good-looking, smart and popular twin brother. Oh well...
It makes me a bit mad knowing that there's a furniture factory somewhere in Denmark that doesn't know how count those little necessary metal thingies every cupboard comes with. I wanted to build a cupboard (third this week, I'm on a roll!) to go on top of another one - I'm telling you I'm born to be a builder and whatmore - , but I discovered I couldn't. One of the MOST important thingies that holds the door was missing. So I go hunting tomorrow for it.
I've been addicted to Carrie underwood these last three weeks. Plus found a new favourite - Five For Fighting. Country (I'm talking about Carrie again, hope you can follow) has always been something I cherished. Some time ago I listened to it even more, that countrypop, I like to call it. I have no idea whatsoever if it's called like that or not and I don't want to check it from wikipedia either. But Rascal Flatts still beats everything. Also discovered that Cascada has made a version of Rascal's hit "What hurts the most". And yes, I listen to Cascada aswell. (I'm REALLY boring as you can see, I listen to almost everything)

Tsau siis.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Some great pictures Anna and Anja made.

Üleeile algas kevad.

See siin on virtuaalne soolaleivapidu. Päris minu mustikakarva õhtu.

Üks päev teise otsa ja nii suvele lähemale. Hommikud on juba päikesega - teen silmad lahti ja peidan end kohe uuesti padja sisse, sest päike paistab läbi kollase kardina. Kavalalt.
Ma muutusin natuke mõni nädal tagasi. Portugalis. Kummaline, kuidas kuus päeva suudavad teha nii palju. Kirjeldamise asemel loetlen vaid need, kes nüüdsest on minu väikesed maailmad Euroopa peal laiali. Anna, Anja, Gatis, Kristaps, Damjana, Michal, Marcin, Goncalo, Leonor, Filipe E., Ze, Filipe ja Gustavo. Nende seas on uusi parimaid sõpru, kirjasõpru, armastatuid. Kuninglikku verd ja toredaid mälestusi. Laulu ja veini. Kõike vist. Ja pildid ütlevadki rohkem kui tuhat sõna.

" Give me a call when we're back home
I'd like to offer only my shoulder
and I know there will be no
another soldier who will love me
'til I grow older
yes you are the one for me,
can't you see it you son of a bitch
yes you are the one for me,
can't you see it you son of a bitch"
("The girl in the back seat" Goran Gora)

This is a virtual housewarming party. A blueberry night all my own.

Day after day and getting closer to summer. Mornings are already sunny - I open my eyes and then hide myself back into the pillow because the sun shines through my yellow curtain. So sneaky.
I changed abit few weeks ago. In Portugal. It's bizarre how six days can do so much. Instead of describing it I'll write down those who are now my little worlds scattered all across Europe. Anna, Anja, Gatis, Kristaps, Damjana, Michal, Marcin, Goncalo, Leonor, Filipe E., Ze, Filipe and Gustavo. Amongst them are new best friends, penpals, loved ones. Royal blood and great memories. Songs and wine. Everything, I think. And pictures do say more than a thousand words.

Näe mind unes, / Dream about me,