Ma ei üritagi enam aru saada sellest ilmast. Kogu talve oli Tallinnas lumepõud, hea kui päevaks-kaheks maa valgeks sai. Need olid pidupäevad. Ja siis nüüd, 26ndal märtsil, kolm sammu päriskevadeni, otsustab Ilmataat, et "ohhoooo! mul jäi lund üle!".
Ei, ma ei virise. Ma olen peaaegu õnnetipul. Lõpuks saab hüpata hangedes ja süüa lund, mis sest et juba haige oled. Ja riputada järjekordsed märjad riided kuivama. Selline soe talvetunne tekib koguni, hehe.
Tänase päeva tipp (lisaks Vanalinnas läbi tormi ekslemise ning läbimärjana koju jõudmise) oli siiski Eesti-Kanada jalgpallikohtumine A Le Coq Arenal. Lumetormis jäi lõppseisuks 2:0 meie kasuks. Müts maha mõlema meeskonna ees.
Siit näete väikest intervjuud Aivar Pohlakuga ning ülevaade päevasele sagimisele platsil, kuhu vabatahtlikke kutsuti kokku raadio kaudu. Vastutasuks said tasuta mängu vaadata.
To keep it short in english - it snowed A LOT today. Seems like all the snow that didn't hit the ground in the winter, has now decided to come out from the endless spaces of the sky.
But I'm happy and hope that other people could take the most of it. Oh, I know that soon it will all melt and it's going to be veeeery wet and ugly, but still. Let's enjoy it while we can.
It's fun to jump around in snow and eat icicles. To hang your drenched clothes to dry. Gives a real winter-feeling. :)
It's fun to jump around in snow and eat icicles. To hang your drenched clothes to dry. Gives a real winter-feeling. :)
The peak today was not the getting-lost-between-big-snowbanks or getting home all drenched, but the fact that there was a soccer game between Estonia and Canada. So there they played, in the snowstorm, not a green patch in sight. Some volunteers cleaned the stadium hours before and some continued it during the game too. It ended 2:0, we won. Respect goes to all the players. :)
Here you can see a short interview with the president of the Estonian Football League, you can see some volunteers aswell. They got free tickets for the game, hehe.
Lisatud on mõned pildid, mis tegin telefoniga täna linnas tulles. Kvaliteet pole parim, kuid loodetavasti piisav./ Added some pictures I made with my phone today in the Old Town. The quality isn't the best, but hopefully good enough.