Sunday, April 12, 2009

Love and other disasters

- "Jacks, have you ever thought this whole 'true love" thing
might be a conspiracy?"
- "A conspiracy?"
- "Yeah, a capitalist conspiracy. A lie concocted by the Film, Publishing and
Music industries. All pushing this thing, this concept that doesn't
even exist!"
- "True love doesn't exist?"
- "Well, think about it. Where is it besides songs, books and films?
I mean, who can honestly say 'I will always love you'?"
- "Whitney Houston?"
- "Yeah, when she's high on crack. The point is, everyone's miserable
because they're looking for this noexistent 'thing', or else they're miserable
because they think they've settled for less."

Mina ei ole veel ära otsustanud. Aga usun, et tõeliseks võime me selle ise teha ehk.

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